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The Original Feather Trees - Since 1984


Customers have often mentioned how they like the look of
the feather trees and cotton trees but don't
have an antique ornament collection.
You don't need one. All types of decorations
show up well on one of these trees.

So, in this section I want to showcase holiday trees that you,
the customers, have decorated. I also have included
photos of trees from my personal collection that
Sharen and I decorated.

It's always fun to see how other people decorate
their feather or cotton trees. Then we can
all get new ideas. So be creative and have fun!

These are 2 photos of the 24" tree Sharen found
at a flea market in 1982. That's when we decided to start
reproducing the trees.

The tree is decorated with small stockings from the
1940's or 50's and a few cotton batting
Ornaments. The decorations do not have
to be very small to look 'OK' on this 24" tree.

This is a photo of a 45" antique tree with reproduction
glass fruits and veggies. What began as a few ornaments mixed in with a variety of all glass ornaments, it became obvious the fruits and veggies needed their own tree.


We made a 5' hall tree in antique green to hold the
reproduction glass collection. There are several
strands of old beads on there also.

This white feather tree holds a
collection of 1940's war

This photo shows a 36" cotton tree
decorated with cotton ornaments.
Colorful ornaments really pop out on a white tree.


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